Holiday greetings,
Thank you to everyone who signed up to receive these writings via email. I am beyond grateful that so many of you have signed up! As a way to say thank you, I hope you will enjoy what is found at the Low Energy Diversions list explained below.
This will be the 40th article I have published since starting this project in April. All the articles are available for free at View From the Trenches of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.
You do not have to subscribe to read these Substack posts. I also share these articles on various social media platforms. You can see where to find me on social media at the end of my first article at Welcome to My New Avenue to Advocate. (I have recently updated this article.)
As social media is becoming less reliable, I am glad to have this more secure avenue to connect with readers.
I welcome email responses from subscribers and I try to respond in a timely manner. Please reach out if you have questions or are feeling alone in living with ME.
Coping with ME
As is the case for many of us, this time of year has given me added challenges to cope with physically and emotionally. A short course of the antiviral valacyclovir is helping me overcome an added viral burden.
The darker days and cooler weather have also taken a toll, so I am looking forward to longer (warmer) days ahead now that we have passed the Winter solstice.
To cope through these more difficult days, I have been seeking out uplifting diversions.
Low Energy Diversions
Years ago the Facebook group members that I connected with helped build a list of ideas for things to do that are low energy diversions. We labeled that list Bored While Resting.
With the help of my husband (David), we have updated that list and present it to you as a holiday gift. Please let me know if there are broken links, or if you have suggestions to add. We hope you will find something that helps give you a diversion from the suffering we all know too well.
At the end of this article, I am posting some of the links that I have found most helpful.
ME Global Chronicle
The December issue is now published. See Table of Contents to see what is included in this issue. A message from the editors can be found HERE.
I help out with the Chronicle (as I am able) and I truly appreciate Rob Wijbenga & Eddy Keuninckx for bringing us this valuable record all these years.
I think chronicling the news of this community is important because when people look back on what happened to us there will be a contemporary record to show what we’ve been through.
There are a variety of topics in this issue including:
The ME Global Chronicle is published quarterly.
Looking Forward
As I look forward to 2024, I am reminded that we never know what the future holds or what advances in science will have a positive impact on our quality of life. I look back at the history of medical science and know there have been some obvious stupid mistakes made, like ignoring basic hygiene and telling people with multiple sclerosis they had hysterical paralysis as well as seeing how long the truth about ulcers took to be believed.
Our day will come… and I truly hope 2024 will bring us much closer to the truth about myalgic encephalomyelitis becoming widely known.
A few items from the Low Energy Diversions list:
Severe ME Bedbound Activity Master list from Sarah Stanton
This includes activities with eyes closed.
Ocean video:
Radio from all over the world: - You can move around on the map and also click on Live, History, Jingles Stories
The Moth Stories: Audio - True stories told live. Very entertaining while resting.
Calming Sounds: - 10 hours - Advertised to lower heart rate and reduce anxiety
Cards giving realistic self care for the chronically ill and in pain.
Variety of Animals at Houston zoo
British Museum, London: (virtual tour)
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam: (virtual tour)
Free Online Coloring Pages from Museums:
Information provided here or in comments is not to be considered medical advice
Thank-you Colleen.