I have made an update to the ME-ICC Info Table of Contents Master List. There are now links to more materials that have been translated into various languages.
The IC Primer Translations
Over the years the International Consensus Criteria (ICC) and the International Consensus Primer (IC Primer) have been translated into various languages.
The IC Primer has been translated into: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Norwegian and Spanish.
Translations of the IC Primer go through an approval process to maintain the integrity of the original publication. The following is taken from the introduction to the primer that explains the process:
This primer is a not-for-profit educational document.
In our efforts to enhance the understanding of ME and promote international consistency in optimal clinical identification and treatment, this booklet may be downloaded, posted on websites, and reprinted providing ALL of the following conditions are met:
This booklet must be posted, translated, or reprinted in its entirety, with no abbreviations, additions, deletions, or changes in text and content including the inside and outside covers, in any manner whatsoever.
The authorship information is retained and credited as the source.
No profit can be made by any individual, organization, company, university, or otherwise.
Translations must be reviewed by a medical doctor/expert for medical accuracy of translation.
A copy of any translation must be sent to Marj van de Sande at mvandes@shaw.ca Translations will be shared with others.
Spanish Materials Added to Master List
Over the years I have coordinated with Ona Albizu as she translated various materials into Spanish. She has a strong understanding of myalgic encephalomyelitis and the importance of the ICC and IC Primer. Ona talks about the process of translating the IC Primer into Spanish HERE.
The following list of Spanish materials are now included on the ME-ICC Info Table of Contents Master List. More will be added to the Table of Contents as they are translated.
Los siguientes son enlaces a varios materiales en español.
Boletín Para Profesionales Médicos Para Diagnosticar y Tratar La Encefalomielitis Miálgica
Evitar un colapso - conocido como agotamiento neuroinmune post-esfuerzo (ANPE)
Información Para El Cardiólogo - Problemas Específicos De La Encefalomielitis Miálgica
Información Sobre El Tratamiento Con Naltrexona En Bajas Dosis (LDN)
Another good resource for Spanish materials is the ONG PEM organization. From their website:
“La Asociación de Personas con Encefalomielitis Miálgica, PEM, surge de la necesidad de tener en España una asociación que represente únicamente a personas con esta enfermedad. Las personas que sufrimos esta enfermedad tenemos tan poca energía (entre otros muchos síntomas) que necesitamos unir la fuerza de todas para poder avanzar juntas. “
Google translate:
The Association of People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, PEM, arises from the need to have in Spain an association that represents only people with this disease. People who suffer from this disease have so little energy (among many other symptoms) that we need to unite everyone's strength to be able to move forward together.
Other ME resources in various languages
ME Centraal is in Dutch but also provides translation capability for the website. They state the following on their website:
“ME Centraal provides the most versatile information possible about the seriously debilitating neuro-immune multisystem disease Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, based on the International Consensus Criteria for ME, and is not an aid organization.”
ME International is a U.S. based nonprofit. Their website has translation capability. At this time, most of the materials are based on the International Consensus Criteria and International Consensus Primer. (I participated in putting together the information on their website during my time as a volunteer there which ended in April 2023.)
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis affects millions around the world. No matter what language is spoken, patients and medical professionals need quality information.
The more we know…
P.S.: Please contact me if you know of other ME-ICC resources in other languages.
Information provided here or in comments is not to be considered medical advice