Sep 22Liked by Colleen Steckel: ME-ICC Info

ChatGPT has now become my first go to on many things. I didn't mention ME my first round, but it actually did when I detailed symptoms and terms like PENE/PEM/OH/pots/mcas etc. for my ME brain it has been so wonderful, I can load all my Google Keep cryptic notes without worry of redundancies or losing train of thought. I loaded several years worth and it generated a better report I am now using as a summary for docs. I struggle with sequential executive memory, it has a perfect one… It does feel like having access to an expert that's far more articulate and concise than any doctor. I wish there was a visual version to decipher scans! I got a SPECT without an interpretation yet seeking advice.

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Great idea to have it organize notes.

A visual version would be great... I have SPECT scans that have been interpreted, but would love a second opinion. If you come across how to do that, I hope you'll let me know! It could also review our MRIs! That would also make a great article.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Colleen Steckel: ME-ICC Info

It was run through Dr. Hyde's oasis Sagami software routine, so I am looking for someone beside Amen's clinics to do an interpretation for me. I had the scan done elsewhere not by Amen. It's a very interesting 3-D image showing craziness over the left ear temple area. Jared younger uses a different scan but I'm interested in what it may confirm, or what new therapies may present. In Colorado at least every doctor I ask what their take is on ME, they mostly say it has no diagnostic criteria. a brain scan would sure be good as Support

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Sep 22Liked by Colleen Steckel: ME-ICC Info

Fascinating, Colleen - thank you for this.

I sometimes use an AI personal assistant app called Pi. I have asked it separately about MCAS and EBV reactivation and was surprised at the breadth and depth of its responses. It is definitely interesting to consider how these apps parse the more nuanced, sometimes controversial “subtopics” within the ME, CFS, long COVID worlds.

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I hadn't heard of Pi AI. Thanks for mentioning it here. It will be interesting to see how these evolve over time.

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Sep 21Liked by Colleen Steckel: ME-ICC Info

Colleen Steckel's conversation with artificial intelligence.

Colleen, your dialogue with AI was interesting. There is so much disinformation, misinformation and prejudice in the ME field, I was surprised your encounters with AI delivered as much accuracy as they did. The language of AI renders it so polite about being corrected, unlike humans. Of course, just an algorithm. Interesting idea. Would be fascinating to check in with AI in a year to see if it's any smarter or has changed its mind about anything. And will it tell us who is teaching it if we ask.

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I agree it will be very interesting to see how it changes over time. And also whether those who want things to stay status quo will affect what AI learns...

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