Screening out arrogance would be great!

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So many diseases are still determined by exclusion. We are dealing with my partner's recent diagnosis of ALS, and although a basic screen was done, trying to get other possibilities tested for is a slog — essentially existing in a medical desert. Fortunately we now have a neurologist who has done a lumbar puncture to test CSF. Hopefully greater and easier genetic research and screening will bring targeted treatments if not cures. If we could screen arrogance out of the medical arena it would be a giant step forward.

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I wasn't yet a substack subscriber when you published this. I have a question: I have recently been D'xd with myasthenia gravis. Are you saying that this diagnosis shouldn't come BEFORE an ME diagnosis, or that they cannot co-exist?

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From what I have seen discussed in groups some who found out they had MG didn't have ME. Others it was comorbid - they had both.

In my opinion having both means ME must be taken into account. Post-exertional neuroimmune exhaustion and medication intolerance caused by ME will affect treatment options for MG.

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