This is extremely interesting. I endorse your thoughts. It's good to know others are being drawn to this area of research/ medicine. As a population (with ME) we are in desperate need of meaningful treatment options.

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Absolutely despicable when all this compassionate guy was trying to do, was to alleviate the suffering he saw around him.

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Thank you so much for this information. I wonder whether they will take on patients from the UK ?

I’m currently using CBD Oil Balm for all my muscles and joints And Night Time CBD Oil for chronic insomnia. Both from Healthspan and very reasonably priced.

Taking 400mg of ibuprofen 3x daily and 500mg of paracetamol 4x daily. Not even scratching the surface.

I’m about to contact my nearest Cannabis Club. (Hardly near at all. It’s in Bristol and I’m in Cornwall). But taking the CBD as the only legal thing which might help.

25 + years ago I was getting some very strong weed from a guy who did a lot of good helping chronically ill people in Liverpool. I was suffering from 3 day migraine attacks twice a week. After every attack it took 24 hours for the paralysis to cease.

He moved to Rhyll and, I think, set up a cannabis shop there. He was persecuted by the local council and appeared in court several times. His shop was shut down and he was threatened with all sorts.

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